Wednesday, February 29, 2012

From Graduating in Dubai SPJCM to finding my love, getting hitched and moving the Bombay ! Phew !

Yep ! This is what i've been upto which is why i haven't written in like ages again ! Well from being single to getting married after finishing my MBA from Dubai is what i've been busy with ! Quite a handful, absolutely , but totally worth it !

Life is an adventure, every moment is waiting to be unveiled....and we are the seekers, always on the lookout for love, for the future, for the next step, always seeking something.....
Well i sought and found the love of my life through my MBA journey , a journey which took me around the globe , made me meet different people, see so many new places and fall madly in love with my darling husband Kaushik.....
Answering the last post we could never be friends after going out on a date, it was either love or nothing at all.....Well love it was which held us together....god planned this from above, out jobs, our lives our future in bombay....our maldives honeymoon, things one dreams of which when happen take ones breath away....
The much awaited wedding was one i had dreamed of since i was 1 i think ! It was beautiful and such a mix of balle balle and tam vanakkam as the card said....Such glorious moments which will be cherished in my heart forever... God Bless ! Peace out....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

THE MBA Journey

Hello Blog...I know and i won't repeat my story of being away for ages and then suddenly wanting to log in and write about my musings to you....Well the thing is a lot has happened since i last wrote and i have absolutely no idea how and where to begin from.....Well for starters a big thing called "MBA" happened ! wow right ! U know how much i wanted to get out and get into college again and just leave the "sucky" desk job for a more adventurous and demanding lifestyle! Well "demanding" and adventure are an understatement to what followed ;)
I got selected in the SPJAIN Centre of management for a global mba course which was just thrilling to the core and made me jump from my seat even though the initial panicky stage of not getting a call and the tiffs with the less mortals kept me on tenter hooks for a little while at work. But after all alls well that ends well and that's exactly what kept me going and the last days in the pg at noida with my friends aish,pri,savi,tanz,shobhi,neer,rocks,viv,swaru,bhavu,dk,amy,sandhu and ev else were the best times in noida and really took unforgettable gifts ,frenz and memories to cherish for a lifetime with me :)

Now began the real journey and where you ask - well Singapore for 2.5 months and then canada for the rest till aug 2010. Even putting in the papers to the boss was a real nice feeling (but you know that already;))
well so i started my journey in singapore with a bang and a prize for the best presentation and regional project to the great night life, meeting frenz,going out with fellow batchmates and having a gala time mostly but not without the of an on bad moments of all night studying and getting hect up etc which do follow the good things always. Grades have been fine but not great ! And then followed the canadian dream of full on glitz and drama and i did go berzerk with the single rooms, the housekeeping,fresh towels,linen and soaps, the pool and the gym, the greatt york campus, the lovely shopping, the fooood , the simply let go lifestyle ,the fun with frenz and nav and just about everything ! Schulich was so awesome and i just could not fathom the fun i would have with the scholarship (which i was hesitant to take) the best decision to take it and have the best time of my life ( it started with and ended with wine parties and lovely bbq ,the works !!!) I cant even describe it ! And to top it all the lectures were astounding!I will not forget this journey from niagra to the road trip to tobermory island to just about everywhere in toronto and around ever and wanna be absorbed someplace where i can truely relate and have a good life acc to my desires and dreams.....Dubai well lets see what this part holds a lil apprehensive but im sure that the "alls well that ends well" will work here too.....After all all you gotta have in life is "faith" (I cannot ever end without a philosophical note can i ;) )

Friday, August 07, 2009

Welcoming myself back...! ;)

It's been such a long time since I've written or even visited my blog that it feels really wierd ,but at the same time very tummy tickling to write on it again...
Well, after the gyan of my last post which was ages ago but still standing true to its core, here I am yet again ,penning or rather typing down my thoughts randomly from my workplace ,sitting idle with haphazard thoughts running through my brain cells...;)
So where have I been blog...well almost everywhere in delhi...and around most certainly since my work stint started in Tech M...And how has life treated me so far..hmmm...not bad actually...when you come to think of it in the larger perspective..pretty decent :) In the recent turn of events though ,just got back from Thailand..the awesomest place for shopping(Please pardon the language--It goes bad with time for software engineers which is why I must stick to my aim of becoming an MBA graduate from a prestigious institute(but of course) soon to precisely save it from becoming irrepairable:p)
Anyhow...getting back once again...well TEch M's been good fun to work with,especially with lovely friends that I've made for life and not so lovely ones that I've happlily chosen to leave out ;) Done it all from guitaring to compering to dancing to loitering around to bunking ever so often for the glories of the outside world beyong office and well the likes of it ...i'm sure you canguess the rest of the party hopping scenes that occur very frequently in ones life now ;)

I promise to upload the pics of my adventures and outings and musings and all that blah blah soon dear blog coz I've missed you dearly just as you have..but I'm sure you understood my habit of boredom that sets in once I've enjoyed and experimented and written in your case and then how I set out for new adventures in this never ending world of ours :) Well this proves my point of being some sorta adventure freak character in my previous avtaar in this world, like maybe a witch or a centaur or a unicorn or some unique creature staright outta the harry potter series just enjoying the mystical land of magic all around me...hmm if only wishes could be horses beggars would ride huh ! Well my point here is that if we don;t have all these great beautiful things to read or see that transport us to an altogether different world ,whats the point of living eh ? You might as well die of boredom and sadness and seeing the stark reality as you call it ! At least one is happy with hopes and love and belief....which is the reason for ones survival and joy ...which once taken can have very drastic repurcutions :p
hmmm too much for a comeback it ? or not...NAH I'm sure you can handle more hon ;) Well I shall be back with more relevant things to write about"pun intended" ;) and the promised pictures as well...Till then dream yourself and your family and friends and ya most importantly be happy for you!Coz in the end that's all that matters !

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lesson no. 1:"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

That's one of the bible verses i heard from somewhere and really liked...Thought i'd share it with everyone...

You can't know the truth until you are willing to know yourself which is a lifelong process,with the biggest lessons often emerging from the biggest mistakes!
What is the truth of our lives?
Its our duty to know.The truth is that which feels good and right and loving.Love does not hurt.It feels really good.Its what allows you to live each day with integrity.Each day everything you do and say shows who you really are.....Let it be the truth!

Here is another Lesson no.2 while we're at it:

"Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you!"
All your actions both good and bad come back to you-most often from people other than those you're acting towards!
This is the essence of what eastern philosophers call KARMA!
There is no yellow brick road to happiness...You lead doesn't lead you..Be loving to yourself and others and see that love reciprocated.This rule works everytime whether you are aware or not.What you are thinking,you are saying,doing has an impact on you and the people around you right now!Everything you try to do to me already done to you....

Friday, June 30, 2006

Old memories....! ~~Reminiscence~~

Swadika(Thai for Welcome!)
Some memories stay on forever....
These are some of my fond memories....A Trip to Bangkok(Thailand)and Colombo for my brother Sandeep's marriage to Surangi(buddhist) on the Galle face hotel beach in Colombo...It was absolutely gorgeous(amazing!)..They had 2 weddings and 3 receptions ...Colombo,Bangkok and finally in Sydney where they put up!!!don even !Family can be termed as an international family ,like from the movies from jatt's(mumz side)to chinks to americans to....;-)...very loving all da same!!!Muah!;-)
Colombo-Inside the Galle face hotel ,ceremony according to Buddhist traditions and later we even had a Hindu and Sikh ceremony to follow!

The Grand Palace in Bangkok...!

Thats AJ(Arjun) my cousin from Sydney currently in Bangkok tryin to be Elvis here!...He says the hot groupies should line up on the side after seein this flick!...Other members of his band include Paul,Chun and Jungerz.Apart from looking cool the dude plays real well too...!

....And now some pictures from our last college trip to Bombay ~ Goa---had an amazing rejuvinating time!-total masti;-)

Essel World!

Shwet,Ruch and me!

Me n Ridz on Vista-2006!

& yea lately the IET bhaddal anual function in April ,Vista-2006 can we forget that ?!Phew!....!Enjoy browsin through the pics in the collage...da rockerz look nice on da top eh;)!
SAurabh,Aseem,Me and Ridz...

Aj again 2 emo for wordz......

HArd rock CAfe! Thailand...pattaya beach....amazinnn...!Heaven!

Germany Won!;-)....Don cry Argentina...My heart goes out to you...thats FIFA 4 u....

It's as if the world is still waiting for the World Cup to get going. And it really did get going tonight....Germany vs Argentina----!

That's a game the whole world watched! It was a World Cup classic, probably worthy of being the final itself,'' said FIFA boss Sepp Blatter.

Argentina and Germany have met twice in the World Cup final: Argentina won in 1986 and Germany in 1990.

But tonight Germany advance to the 2006 FIFA World Cup™ semi-finals after triumphing 4-2 over Argentina in a penalty shoot-out following a tight, tense match in Berlin’s Olympiastadion that had ended locked at 1-1

Jurgen Klinsmann’s decision to elect Lehmann as his number one for this FIFA World Cup appears to be justified by this result alone !
His two saves have given Germany a place in the semi-finals, where they will meet Italy or Ukraine.Hats off to you Lehmann!

For Argentina, who took the lead in this game, it will be a long journey home for a team which performed so well in the early stages of this tournament!My heart really went out to them...But then 1 team had to go forward! Nazi Hitlerz Germans are into the semi finals! Lets See if they take the world cup in their own country...fifa 2006 is getting exciting by the day!.....

Just wanted to put some pics of the fans...they are in an even more fierce competition than the teams it seems!


After a lot of thought and pondering over this question i want to leave it as my 2nd post for further comments.....

Ahem..."Friendship can turn into love........but can love ever go back to friendship"......??!!??!

Rock?!?...Obviously had to be my 1st post!....

Hard ROCK MUSIC & 666

Rock music for years has propagated the number 666 — the Mark of the Beast!

For their rock is not as our Rock,. . .
They DIE in youth, and their life is among the unclean.

‘Rock is back’ and here I am, writing an article for all the rock lovers ! The next one printed here itself on my blog will be dedicated to an entire genre of rockers but this one is solely for Hard rock and Heavy metal……..
Heavy metal is one of the most misunderstood genres of music in our day.

In no way is this a heavy metal band list or an attempt to include every detail, important or not, within the genre's history, but I believe it is a fairly comprehensive guide. I have included bands that have been influential, prominent, representative, or successful throughout their careers !
After all, heavy metal is something of an acquired taste. With no further comments, I leave you to read my take on the history of heavy metal. I hope you will enjoy it and maybe learn a little from it (and with any luck, you won't find it boring at all ;-)

When did heavy metal begin? It's hard to say. According to most metal annals, the first outbursts came from the Kinks with "You Really Got Me" and the Who with "My Generation" around 1964. As for the first heavy metal artist, that position arguably belongs to Alice Cooper, whose band was founded in 1965 under the name The Spiders.Bands like Golden Earrin, Cream, the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Led Zeppelin , Vanilla Fudge, Iron Butterfly, Steppenwolf, Blue Cheer, Deep Purple, Grand Funk Railroad, Free, Uriah Heep, Mountain, Humble Pie, Bloodrock, MC5, Black Widow, Atomic Rooster, Cactus, and Black Sabbath came to being between 1966 and 1970, and struck the world with what both Iron Butterfly and Steppenwolf would first baptize "heavy metal”! Until 1973 the kings of heavy metal were undoubtedly “ Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath ” !

The 3 were bands with a technical prowess and passion unseen before, which coalesced into the hardest music existing during those times.Moreover, the era also marked the beginning of Satanic imagery and of spectacular, energetic live shows in heavy metal. The Satanic imagery came courtesy of two English bands: Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin.It was, however, until 1970 that Black Sabbath inaugurated what many consider the "true" spirit and essence of heavy metal. Gloomy, crunching, and foreboding, albums like Black Sabbath, Paranoid, and Master of Reality demonstrated the wicked musical direction of guitarist Tony Iommi and band members Ozzy Osbourne, Bill Ward, and Geezer Butler through classic songs like "N.I.B.," "Paranoid,"&"Children of the Grave."
Meanwhile, brought back the mystic imagery of heavy metal while pounding out some of the heaviest riffs of its time in albums like Killers, Piece of Mind and Powerslave. The band was to remain the heaviest to rule the arena hard-rock circuit for years until the advent of Metallica. Venom was to become the most intense band of its time and would inspire, along with Motorhead, Judas Priest's Stained Class and Riot's distinguishable and energetic musical outbursts, young bands such as Metallica, Exodus, Slayer, and Mantas (which would later become Death) to start making their own brand of fast, aggressive music.

Guns n' Roses was what the pop metal scene needed. Appetite for Destruction was a searing, raw, and aggressive affair, featuring Slash's bluesy guitar licks and Axl Rose's hanging-on-to-dear-life vocals. Guns n' Roses took the spotlight with its mix of the Hanoi Rocks the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, and previous acts with songs like "Welcome to the Jungle,"Night Train,"and"My Michelle,"while showing its softer side on "Sweet Child O' Mine."
Metallica began combining multiple riffing, snarling vocals, and a wide use of double-pedals in drumming to produce music that was totally uncompromising and ferocious, therefore being shunned by MTV and commercial radio stations. Shortly after, bands like Mercyful Fate and the crunching Exodus were increasing their presence to back up Metallica and bring the harder metal fans together again.
At this time, three other thrash metal bands took over along with Metallica: Megadeth, Anthrax, and Slayer. Megadeth, founded by ex-Metallica guitarist Dave Mustaine, created what would be later known as techno-thrash, characterized by numerous tempo changes and complex riffs, which backed Mustaine's sharp snarl.
Motley Crue and Guns n' Roses still ruled the music world along with Metallica, in the absence of Def Leppard and Bon Jovi.

Death and doom metal had already revived, but speed and glam needed a savior.
Then Nirvana exploded upon the world with their song "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
Its mixture of accessibly simple vocal melodies and punk angst quickly drew hordes of fans eager to listen to something new. Kurt Cobain's depressed lyrics attracted millions of Generation X teenagers who felt as if the old stars of glam metal had nothing to do with their lives; flash and sex just weren't reality anymore, or so everyone thought. Until the death of Cobain in 1994, the members of Nirvana were MTV darlings
After the wake of Nirvana, several bands like Soundgarden, Alice in Chains with its dark, broody music and Pearl Jam quickly attained fame status.The alternative metal scene quickly grew!Later came bands like Stone Temple Pilots, which evolved from a poor man's Pearl Jam to a force of its own, the punk-turned-alternative Soul Asylum, the unique My Sister's Machine, the acclaimed Saigon Kick, Blind Melon, Big Chief, Candlebox, Dinosaur Jr., Moist, and Sponge, all with different degrees of success.
Only a couple of bands kept breaking new ground, such as the musically simple Helmet and the sometimes psychedelic Smashing Pumpkins. Relatively new punk bands like the Offspring, Green Day, and Rancid lacked musical fierceness when compared to older punk bands which eventually contributed to their own downfall.The hardcore Bad Religion, Social Distortion, and NOFX, the latest of punk bands to reach wide media exposure after several years of existence. But nowadays the matter of true punk rock surviving in commercial circles for much longer is rather questionable, the scene being taken up by comparably weak and unoriginal outfits such as Blink 182.

Ever since the second half of the Nineties, heavy metal seems to constantly be on the verge of coming back!Initially, the reunion and comeback tours of acts such as Kiss, Black Sabbath, Riot, Quiet Riot, Motley Crue, Poison, and several other bands were responsible for leading to such a belief, but it only took a couple of years before it became apparent that most of these events were nothing but mere business or flashes in the pan without true staying power.
Rage Against the Machine truly hit it big when it turned into what is now called nu-metal. Pioneered without a doubt by Korn and Deftones, and ridiculed by some who consider it not to be metal, the style owns many of its characteristics to Faith No More and that band's song "Jizzlobber." Limp Bizkit and Coal Chamber have been quick to exploit the scene. Linkin' Park stands accused of being the nu-metal equivalent of bands such as Silverchair and Nelson, and others like Papa Roach shamelessly ripping off Iron Maiden!
What lies in the future of heavy metal? History cannot and should not be predicted!By now, the return of glam metal has proven to be nothing more than hype, alternative metal would be dead if it weren't for Creed's unabashed ripping off of Pearl Jam, power metal keeps thriving in Europe and Japan, and Iron Maiden has come back in full force with Brave New World. Moreover, The Gathering keeps releasing album after album of progressive and awe-inspiring atmospheric beauty, Neurosis is still exploring abrasive sonic territory, bands such as Tiamat and Opeth break the limits that were once set upon them, Therion delivers its unique mixture of metal and classical music, In Flames continues taking over the world, stoner rock seems to be making major waves, and Nevermore takes American power metal to levels of heaviness previously unthought of, honoring the tradition that some of its members had once established with Sanctuary.
What's next? Pardon the naive and jaded cliche', but only “Time will Tell”!!!