Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lesson no. 1:"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

That's one of the bible verses i heard from somewhere and really liked...Thought i'd share it with everyone...

You can't know the truth until you are willing to know yourself which is a lifelong process,with the biggest lessons often emerging from the biggest mistakes!
What is the truth of our lives?
Its our duty to know.The truth is that which feels good and right and loving.Love does not hurt.It feels really good.Its what allows you to live each day with integrity.Each day everything you do and say shows who you really are.....Let it be the truth!

Here is another Lesson no.2 while we're at it:

"Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you!"
All your actions both good and bad come back to you-most often from people other than those you're acting towards!
This is the essence of what eastern philosophers call KARMA!
There is no yellow brick road to happiness...You lead life....it doesn't lead you..Be loving to yourself and others and see that love reciprocated.This rule works everytime whether you are aware or not.What you are thinking,you are saying,doing has an impact on you and the people around you right now!Everything you try to do to me already done to you....